A "pigtail" is a DC car plug with two receptacles. What's the big deal about that you might ask. Well, we need to plug both the GPS and the Brake Buddy* Alert System receiver in one DC outlet.

Tom looked in the motorhome, the van and in the bag where we keep the Brake Buddy. The search went on for two days. Finally he decided he would buy a new one.
I decided to have a look around. In less than 2 minutes I found it in the pocket right next to the driver's seat. Right where he put it. Geeezzzz.
*What is a Brake Buddy?
The brakes on your motorhome were designed to stop the coach and its contents, but not the added weight of a towed vehicle. This is why states and provinces in North America have passed laws requiring auxiliary brakes for towed vehicles.
The added weight of the towed vehicle will significantly lengthen your stopping distance, which increases the chance of an accident. This extra weight can also cause your motorhome's brakes to overheat, causing brake failure.
The Brake Buddy sits on the floor in front of the driver's seat of the car and attaches to the brake pedal, the DC outlet in the car, the Alert System in the car (which transmits to the motorhome) and, one of the most important features, the breakaway switch.
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