Thursday, August 19, 2010

Aud and Em Visit Papa and Nana

2010 Aug 3 Dells_0833

The girls made their first overnight visit to our house without their parents.  This is a big deal as we are over 100 miles from their home.  If they would get homesick, it’s a two-hour drive home.

I am happy to report everything was great.  We had a very busy couple of days. We picked them up on Monday evening.

2010 Aug 3 Dells_0840

Tuesday, we took them to the Wisconsin Dells via the Merrimac Ferry.  We rode the Original Wisconsin Ducks and went back home via the ferry. For supper the girls wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse so they could ping peanut shells on to the floor (they did eat, too).  At home we made necklaces and watched a movie.  Then it was bedtime.2010 Aug 3 Dells_0871

Wednesday, we went Madison.  We toured the Wisconsin Capitol Building where we not only learned about the building but also a little about the workings of the state government.

 2010 Aug 4 Madison_0901 2010 Aug 4 Madison_0889   

2010 Aug 4 Madison_0898

Next, it was off to Henry Vilas Zoo.  This is a wonderful, small zoo right in the heart of Madison. It is just big enough to see plenty of animals but small enough that Papa and Nana won’t get worn out. 

2010 Aug 4 Madison_0911  2010 Aug 4 Madison_0913

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